It was weird driving home from Nakamun without starting to panic about next year's studying.  I mean, it wasn't a bad weird feeling and it wasn't a nervous weird feeling...  Just plain weird.  Weird to know that I'm not gonna be on the benches anymore...

Nakamun was a great meet... It kind of felt like a redemption of something.  NEXT 1 finally made it to championships and NEXT 2 did amazingly in the rookie division yet again!  There were some really tight quizzes and intense moments between taking my melatonin too early (whoops) and being a grade 12 murder suspect, telling people that I heard screaming in the night.  I got a really good question right in a really fast quiz, so I was proud of myself for that. 
The funny things that happened:  Switching rooms on the second night because Lana and I were staying up for the later curfew, Hannah losing her iPod (which was totally not funny but since we scared the living daylights out of a bunch of people who thought that Hannah's poi were UFO's and got ice cream, it made up for it), and the coaches' quiz.  Oooh the coaches' quiz.  Jon decided to imitate me during a time out... I'm not sure if I'm really that hyperactive during quizzes or if he was overacting... -shrug-.  Both quizzes I coached the coaches and in both quizzes I think we got one right answer (which was beautifully mimed) but their imitations were hilarious! 
So, yes, I had a great last meet... Being in grade 12 was fun :oP  I didn't even cry when they called everyone up for the grade 12 keychain thingys.  I think I was just too pre-occupied with the fact that it was such a fun meet.

And, with that, I think I can honestly say that I've had a good year for the most part, and learned a lot, both this season and during my time as a quizzer.  I guess this final blog post is a 'farewell' to both the benches and this blog.  In the 4 years that I've quizzed I have learned so much and realized that I am capable of so much more than I realized.  I am looking forward to whatever happens next (which hopefully involves coaching) and wish all of you quizzers who haven't graduated good luck for next year!  And hey, I'll be starting another blog, 'Beyond the Benches', as soon as I start doing coach-type stuff... Who knows? Maybe I'll even make a page for coaching tips that I gather along the way.  I will still be accepting tips from other quizzers to put on the site, and if anyone would like to pick up the flashcards from where I left off, feel free.
Thanks to everyone who's been there for me... My fellow NEXTers for being the biggest bunch of bananas I get to hang out with every week, Troy and Jon for being awesome coaches, Patricia and Lana for being awesome teammates and teaching me how to jump, Mrs. Put for sticking around and all the people who put Quizzing together... These have been an amazing four years that I never want back :o)

So question of the blog, everyone:  What has been your favourite book to quiz on?  Personally, John was my favourite.  My personal stats weren't as great that year as they had been previously but I could play the movie in my head and there is so much great stuff in there :o)

So, for the last time...

Quizzers... UNITE!!!

PS... See you in 'Beyond the Benches'!!
Yeah, I know this is kinda last-minute for most of y'all but I FINALLY got some flashcards done. I mean, I had some done before but not enough that I was about to post about them. That would be embarassing. But anyways: FLASHCARDS! Knock yourselves out, kids:

So. We at WCD are approaching quiz meet #1... the regional. My outlook on this meet: Positive. We have some pretty die-hard rookies and I'm actually caught up all the way for once! No cramming for me! I'm not stressing yet (well,no more than I usually do at quizzing) but that'll come in due time.

Speaking of cramming, the week of chapter 3 (2 weeks ago) we had pretty much THE worst practice ever. We as a team made, what was it... 17? Errors IN A ROW. Blech. It was horrible.  Thankfully last week we redeemed ourselves and had some amazing quizzing going on!

Tonight is an important practice for me... This will give me an idea of what I need to be studying this week right before the meet... Which verses and sections I need to work on more than others.  Not that I won't be studying it ALL but y'know. I didn't post this in the last blog, but for every error I get this year in practices, I write that verse out for one page... 30 times. Yeah, probably overkill but I figure that it's constructive in the end. Besides, it keeps me busy and errors suck. After Great West I did something similar (every verse once for every error I got there... Never ended up finishing that) but it was WAY too much and too sudden.  Heh heh.

So... That brings me to the question of this blog (I can't believe I've been able to keep these up)... I know I already asked about weird quizzing habits, but I never asked about studying... Do you do anything weird when you're studying that nobody else does (or is willing to say they do)? For me, it's the 30-verse thing, and probably the fact that if I take breaks, I lose every bit of motivation to study I had. I have to study in lonnng sessions or I just don't.  Every

Anywhoo. I'm going on for too long. *steps off of soapbox*

Quizzers Unite!!


Yes, an entire blog just to let everyone know that I'm done my flashcards for up until this weekend's quiz meet as of last night and they are ready for use!

Here's the link again:

Thanks for nobody yelling at me :o)

I'm reserving all of my freaking out energy for the next blog... you have been warned. That's why I'm not freaking out on this one :o) Quiz meet this weekend... who's ready????

Quizzers UNITE!

I am SO excited for Finals!

And you know what? There's only 5 days left including today! Freak out much!

Its a happy excited, though, I promise... although I can't help but bring back memories from last year's Nakamun experience... To the rest of NEXT 1: I PROMISE it WON'T happen again this year...

Since Great West I've been trying to turn on my Corinthians stuff so I can listen to it in my sleep and its all been going fine so far, I think its working... but I won't post it on studying tips until I check it out with some online sources... Right now I don't know WHICH methods are working and which ones aren't since I'm pretty much using almost all of them around the same time... is that a good idea? AAAH! What are your opinions...?

Well, this is the last stretch of studying for the year, hey? Paul will definietely be missed... at least I'll miss him if nobody else does. Get ready for another gospel, time flies!

Question: Any last minute tips for Finals? What tips have worked the best for you?

WOOHOOOOOOO! Guess what people? Awesomeness alert... I'm getting ready for Great West... which is in, not 7, not 6, not even 5 whole days but 4 sleeps including tonight until Great West! Woohoo!

And you know what? I get the ENTIRE week off of school in preparation! To do: STUDY! I'm SERIOUSLY pumped!

Goals for Great West: Quiz out. Just once... thats all I need. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a really good quiz... thats my goal. I don't really care how my personal scores turn out... I just want 1 quiz-out!

Anybody set goals for themselves for quiz meets? Its a great idea! OMG... did I put that in my nerves section? *scrambles to find an article on the page about setting goals...*

Aside from Great West, Finals are coming up WAY too soon for my liking! I mean, sure, after Great West, my quizzing will have greatly improved but its still scary to think that I have 2 practices between Great West and Nakamun. Why? Cause its FINALS! And its not a lot of time between quiz meets... and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing but it WILL have an effect!

So, all smiles and studying till then, right? *note to self: stop being such a cheesy blogger.*

Well, I'm gonna go put some stuff up!

Don't worry... nothing happened.  Except my sudden realisation that the quiz meet is in 2 short days... JUST TWO! Thus the title. So I'm studying like a maniac. :o)

Anybody have anything that they do last minute... or any superstitions for quiz meets? I want to make a page on here with cool (or maybe kind of wierd) things people do before, during or after quiz meets. Me? I take every chance I get to get into my flashcards. And when I'm outside of the house, I'm doing copywork. Seriously... I'm going to Chuck E Cheese's today... and I'm bringing my iPod to listen to the text at the arcade. I go into OBSESSIVE mode completely...

Please comment with your wierd rituals... I'd love to hear some of them and start the page!
Okay, so I am still shaking so I'm going to try to type this without sounding too excited. I JUST got first place at the quiz meet!  Eeeee! Very exciting! Anyways, my team got to semi-finals in the Championship rounds, which is AMAZING especially considering it wasn't the 'dream team'. NEXT 3 also made it to semi's, but in the Consolation.  NEXT 2 made it to the semi-semi's! Great job guys!

And great job to everybody else who had quiz meets this weekend!  Northern Alberta: Thanks for some amazing competition!  I'll se y'all back in November!

Anyways, next meet we might have the Beans back! So very excited!

Question for those commenting: What was your favorite moment at a quiz meet?  Do you have a dream team... even if it doesn't exist yet?
I woke up this morning, turned on my light and studied.  I usually don't do this, but this morning I realised its a quiz meet day... HELLO WCD-ers!! AND WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL STRESS DAY! Then I realised it was, like, 3 in the morning and decided I can't quiz if I don't sleep so I only studied for an hour.

This meet is going to be... different. I am very happy to be on a team with Laura and Henry, but sad I'm not with the beans :o(.  Oh well... the Beans (and Laura!) are going to be re-united for the next meet. 

Text has been super helpful to know, but I hate references. So thank goodness me, Lana, and Patricia had time to study together... I still wouldn't know a *cough* certain verse *couch 4:5 cough cough* that we spent *cough 15 minutes cough cough* memorizing... that was kinda funny... I made a pot of tea in the time we finished on THAT ONE VERSE! LOL!

But I guess we're all going to see how useful another study day was at the meet.  Last year I placed 5th in consolation in my first meet... and I was a rookie, so I think this one's going to be relatively less tense than practice until there are 2 or more NEXT teams in one room... then its ON! Like JAM on TOAST! LOL!

Anyways, good luck to all of you with quiz meets this weekend, have fun and do your best!
Hello again and welcome to another blog post from an obsessed study-a-holic! (that didn't come out right...)

Just thought I'd update y'all!

One week until Quiz meet time. The Beans are OFFICIALLY back together... plus Laura.  I am SO happy we got the dream team again! Watch out WCD... we are IN!

But, for the first meet we're not together because they... uh... feel like it?? I don't know. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Did I MENTION that its next week?? AAAAAH!

We ALL hate chapters 4 and 5 at NEXT. ALL! of us.  Not even kidding. Probably because when they're together its so much material to memorize! By the time we get to the meet, though, we WILL be awesome! Cause thats just what we are! Yay!

And I finally got my head in the game and started on the flashcards for 1 and 2 Corinthians, so check it out homies!

You are so lucky I didn't say that out loud. Would've sounded SO wierd...

Hi people!

For everybody from Western Canada: Yes, its true. I, Maegan from NEXT 1 am one of the 'Bean People' that did the mewing thing at Nakamun awards. Me and Patricia.

Everybody else: Funny story. At Nakamun during the awards cerimony, (I can't remember what we were up there for, the second place we got in consolation or me Patricia and Jon for Top Rookie, 4th place and 5th place) me and Patricia did this routine thing that we do forevery meet, especially with one certain quizmaster. (WCD people: I don't know his name... grey hair, glasses, room 5 at Nakamun, room 4 in St Albert, quizmaster for consolation finals? Yeah, that guy.)  Once I accidentally punched Patricia in the nose... we were in a rush and it was the finals in St Albert... MEW MEW MEW MEW ME... and I accidentally punched her becuase we were trying to link arms. It was bound to happen one time or another, but that quizmaster had been at all but one of our quizzes that day and he was laughing SO HARD his face was red because he'd "seen that thing one too many times" LOL!